September triple-header

Typical - you wait for weeks, then 3 events come together! First, on Wednesday the 9th, the final race of the Mystery 5k series. Always a fast and furious affair, I somehow contrived to miss the start, so was running against the clock rather than similar-standard runners. In the circumstances, a time of 20:52 was quite respectable - just 6 seconds slower than last time, when I had opponents to run with, and to race against. Then, on Sunday the 13th, an altogether different affair - the Lake Vyrnwy half marathon, in North Wales (pictured left, photo courtesy of Mick Hall Photos ). With over 1200 runners, this was a high-class race, with runners coming from all over the country. I had my best race of the year, and my best half-marathon for many years, finishing in 144th position (out of 1242), in a time of 1:31:47 - exactly 7min per mile pace. Of course, the purpose of this blog is not just about the running. It's about raising awareness of Shyira Trust, and about raising funds for m...